Time to be reasonable!

In the last few months we heard everything why it is so important to watch the lockout instead of NBA basketball. ’Money’ has been always one of the first key words and I can truly believe in that (first person who can name five things, not related to money, is my guest for a bottle of russian vodka). Players even the league’s 300 million dollar loss with the 50-50 BRI split, but it’s not enough for the owners and here comes my personal favourite: ’competitiveness’.

My thoughts on this: competitiveness is not related to any system issue or marketsize. Maybe slightly but profit is in connection with these two things. It’s not the system’s fault that David Kahn wanted to improve only one position per draft, even if he had three or four first round draft picks. Minnesota had all the tools to build a young, promising team, which would be far ahead of the one they have now. It’s also not a systemproblem that the Bobcats genetically can’t draft any franchise caliber player or a single 2nd-tier star player. They had a third, a fifth, an eight and a ninth overall selection and they transformed them into this list: Raymond Felton, Adam Morrison, Brandan Wright and D.J Augustin. Felton is not a mediocre player and Augustin will

